I apologize.
The Lineup Analyzer will be brought back for this season.
We are in the process of building the next generation of the Fantasy Nerds platform with some new ideas that I would like to see brought to fruition. I knew that this was going to be a long process, so I made the decision back in May to disable our Lineup Analyzer tool and focus our time and energy on our next-gen platform. Of particular concern to me was the support that typically comes from users on CBS Sports and ESPN as those platforms tend to consume a large amount of our support hours.
Over the past few weeks, we have received a lot of emails and support tickets about the Lineup Analyzer, and I clearly underestimated the sentiment that many folks had about our product. The most passionate among you also carried the most *expressive* of language with your feedback. I have heard you, and I do apologize. The Lineup Analyzer is now available...with one caveat.
At this time, we are not going to support CBS Sports. That doesn't mean that we won't ever support CBS Sports again, but in the interest of time, we're going to remove them from our platform.
I wish you all nothing but the absolute best this season.
Let's bring home a championship!